Differences between revisions 27 and 51 (spanning 24 versions)
Revision 27 as of 2008-06-29 18:45:06
Size: 1969
Editor: CarlNobile
Revision 51 as of 2010-08-15 10:40:03
Size: 2930
Editor: CarlNobile
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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== Electronic Parts Inventory Application ==
You will not be able to log into the link to the site below and the server could be down at times also. It's just here to show it works. I will be posting the code as open source after I have a little more done besides the admin than is. In the mean time you can brows the source in my CVS repository.

[[http://inventory.homelinux.org|Django Based Electronic Parts Inventory]]

[[http://www.tetrasys.homelinux.org/cgi-bin/viewvc.cgi/?root=inventory|SVN Repository]] This is off site.
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Done or working on as of June 29, 2008: Done or working on as of November 01, 2008:
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 * Basic WSGI framework  * Core WSGI framework
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 * A User account example site.  * A User account example site using SQLite.
 * XML serializer/deserializer.
 * Auto generation tool for creating classes from a database if not using an ORM.
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[[http:../cgi-bin/viewvc.cgi/RestFramework/|CVS Repository]] [[http://tetrasys.homelinux.org/cgi-bin/viewvc.cgi/RestFramework/?root=cvs|CVS Repository]] This is off site.

[[http:/wiki-htdocs/external/WSGIRestfulDocs/index.html|API Docs]]
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[[http:../cgi-bin/viewvc.cgi/chatserv/|CVS Repository]]
[[http://tetrasys.homelinux.org/cgi-bin/viewvc.cgi/chatserv/?root=cvs|CVS Repository]] This is off site.
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[[http:../home/AjaxStub/ajaxstub.py|API Home Page]] [[http://tetrasys-design.net/home/AjaxStub/ajaxstub.py|API Home Page]]
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[[http:../cgi-bin/viewvc.cgi/ajaxstub/|CVS Repository]]
[[http://tetrasys.homelinux.org/cgi-bin/viewvc.cgi/ajaxstub/?root=cvs|CVS Repository]] This is off site.
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[[http:../home/Linklist|API Home Page]] [[http://tetrasys-design.net/home/Linklist/|API Home Page]]
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[[http:../cgi-bin/viewvc.cgi/OpenSource/linklist/|CVS Repository]] [[http://tetrasys.homelinux.org/cgi-bin/viewvc.cgi/OpenSource/linklist/?root=cvs|CVS Repository]] This is off site.


Electronic Parts Inventory Application

You will not be able to log into the link to the site below and the server could be down at times also. It's just here to show it works. I will be posting the code as open source after I have a little more done besides the admin than is. In the mean time you can brows the source in my CVS repository.

Django Based Electronic Parts Inventory

SVN Repository This is off site.

RESTful Python Web Service using WSGI

I am currently working on a RESTful interface to be used mainly as the framework for web services. Since it is WSGI compliant it can be used with any WSGI server. I would recommend mod_wsgi as it is extremely fast, light weight, easy to deploy and you get all the benefits of Apache.

Done or working on as of November 01, 2008:

  • Core WSGI framework
  • HTTP Authentication (Basic only for now)
  • User authorization (using the backend of your choice)
  • Accept request header redirection to the representation of your choice.
  • Logging independent of sys logs.
  • A User account example site using SQLite.
  • XML serializer/deserializer.
  • Auto generation tool for creating classes from a database if not using an ORM.


  • HTTP Digest Authentication.
  • Auto generation tool for creating dependencies for the global configuration file.

CVS Repository This is off site.

API Docs

Chat Server

I have never officially released this code as open source, however, if I get enough encouragement I may. It was basically a medium for testing out a few thoughts, but is a very functional Chat Server. The only client available is a command line app., but shows what would need to be done for any client.

In general the chat server would need some sort of client agent. The backend is an XML-RPC server.

CVS Repository This is off site.


This API provides a way to auto generate JavaScript stubs in your HTML that communicates with a Python web service. It is essentially an RPC style service.

API Home Page

CVS Repository This is off site.

Doubly Linked List API

This is one of my first open source projects and is still seeing quite a few downloads. It's an API for a doubly link list written in C.

API Home Page

CVS Repository This is off site.

ProjectsPage (last edited 2012-01-15 21:31:03 by CarlNobile)