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Revision 1 as of 2009-08-06 20:56:08
Size: 566
Editor: CarlNobile
Revision 2 as of 2009-08-06 20:56:50
Size: 572
Editor: CarlNobile
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If you ever need to dynamically import Python modules this short function will do the trick. The modules will be imported into the importing modules __main__. If you ever need to dynamically import Python modules this short function will do the trick. The modules will be imported into the importing modules {{{__main__}}}.

Dynamically Importing Python Modules

If you ever need to dynamically import Python modules this short function will do the trick. The modules will be imported into the importing modules __main__.

def importMods(path, fromList, asList=None):
    modules = __import__(path, globals(), locals(), fromList, -1)
    if not asList: asList = fromList
    if len(asList) != len(fromList): raise ValueError('asList != fromList')

    for asMod, mod in zip(asList, fromList):
        exec "importMods.func_globals['%s'] = modules.%s" % (asMod, mod)

DynamicallyImportingPythonModules (last edited 2009-12-14 19:29:39 by CarlNobile)