Differences between revisions 3 and 4
Revision 3 as of 2009-08-06 20:57:18
Size: 579
Editor: CarlNobile
Revision 4 as of 2009-08-06 21:35:18
Size: 922
Editor: CarlNobile
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If you ever need to dynamically import Python modules this short function will do the trick. The modules will be imported into the importing module's {{{__main__}}} scope. If you ever need to dynamically import Python modules this short function will do the trick. The modules will be imported into the importing module's {{{__main__}}} scope. 
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    This function will import modules into the global scope relative to
    this function.

    @param path: The path to the module.
    @param fromList: A list containing the items to import.
    @keyword asList: A one for one match to C{fromList} indication the
                     names to be used in the import.

Dynamically Importing Python Modules

If you ever need to dynamically import Python modules this short function will do the trick. The modules will be imported into the importing module's __main__ scope.

def importMods(path, fromList, asList=None):
    This function will import modules into the global scope relative to
    this function.

    @param path: The path to the module.
    @param fromList: A list containing the items to import.
    @keyword asList: A one for one match to C{fromList} indication the
                     names to be used in the import.
    modules = __import__(path, globals(), locals(), fromList, -1)
    if not asList: asList = fromList
    if len(asList) != len(fromList): raise ValueError('asList != fromList')

    for asMod, mod in zip(asList, fromList):
        exec "importMods.func_globals['%s'] = modules.%s" % (asMod, mod)

DynamicallyImportingPythonModules (last edited 2009-12-14 19:29:39 by CarlNobile)